So Christmas recently happened, which means I got a bunch of
toys. Oh, how childhood fancy never ends, even when you’re 37. One gift I received
was the reissue set of wildly colored because why not Astrotrain and Blitzwing.
Astrotrain is more of a folding transformation, as the
shuttle wings and train wheels basically just fold over differently to realize
either mode. The issue in both vehicle modes is the orange. It comprises some
pretty visible and vital parts in both forms, and it looks silly in space
shuttle mode because of its placement. We can talk all day about the visual
issues of having shuttle engines just sticking out of the back of a train
engine, but with regular versions of the figure, they aren’t that bad or
Pretty standard packaging. |
The package for this set isn’t as nice as most other G1
reissue packaging. Most of the other post-2000 Hasbro reissues have come in
that super nice bookbox packaging. Recent reissues like the Insections and
Trypticon have come with some really nice boxart. Astrotrain and Blitzwing come
in a standard window box, without any frills. I would have liked it if the
packaging was a little more top shelf on this release. The stickers come
pre-applied, which is great, because applying G1 stickers always, always
Again, it’s kind of difficult to say a whole lot about the
actual figures, given that they are over thirty years old and all. All the
joints and moving parts on Blitzwing are nice and solid; the legs on Astrotrain
are weak, and he requires a bit of balancing the get him to stand as a result.
I can’t say why the legs are loose like this. I can squash him down just a
little, and the issue is solved, but he is a little shorter for it.
A final thought on the bizarre coloring: I can understand
people who think this set is a wasted opportunity to put out a legit, accurate
G1 set of these two. I completely understand the strangeness of this set in its
entirety, since reissues in general and the Platinum series in specific, at
least as pertains to G1 toys, are “supposed” to be rereleases of the original
toys, and so this crazy color palate prevents these two from fulfilling that
requirement. But, we have gotten reissues of both of these figures within the
last ten years, and while those may be pricey or difficult to track down, they
do exist, and can be gotten. That’s all a part of the hunt, of collecting. No
one ever said that this hobby would be easy, if I may get on my toy collecting
high horse for a moment; no one ever said that a reissue G1 Astrotrain had to
be released because you were looking for it now and the one from 2005 is too
expensive or rare. If these were just straight up G1 reissues, I would have had
zero interest in them. As it is, they are strange and interesting. There is
something about this set that scratches my ol’ eHobby itches, those desires for
‘new’ G1 characters that aren’t just some dumb upgrade: a new character who
transforms into the truck that Optimus does but looks and is different, not “Jungle
Camo Aerobics Strike Optimus Prime.” In the instance of my previously mentioned
G2-ification, these figures would be the first time G2 Astrotrain and Blitzwing
were ever released, truly making them new toys. It just seems like a bit of a
waste to put them out without any context. I understand people’s befuddlement,
and even disappointment. Overall this seems like a release that is missing
something, most likely in the fiction/background stage, that would offer some
real sense of cohesiveness. Nonetheless, I am happy with them, and I like them
a lot.
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