Sunday, September 16, 2018

Grave Considerations: I Don’t Know, General Thoughts??

Greetings, Loyal Reader,

Here at the Coffin, we seem to be experiencing writer’s block once again, and so new articles have been slow to materialize. Man, even writing that sentence was fairly hard. There’s been a lot of picture taking over the last few weekends, so there is absolutely no shortage of new figures to talk about; and, once again, the Coffin is looking to expand its coverage, this time to incorporate Marvel or comic book-in-general figures, and some musings on video games and a few movies, the latter two as part of this very Grave Considerations series of pieces. There is ALSO a new Mass Burial that has been planned and begun, but I’m waiting with it until the weather starts to change for the Fall, as it seems like it would be appropriate.

I’ve long been intending to start covering comic book figures, dating back to the very beginning of this blog, having many years back begun a write up of a figure that still sits in a folder on my desktop, just never having been finished. I feel like there’s some kind of pressure that would come with writing on such figures, but that’s really stupid. My concern I suppose is that my comic book figure purchasing is generally focused on either characters I like or figures that I think look cool, even if I’m not familiar with the character all that much. I think I’m worried that my knowledge of some characters won’t be up to par, and I’ll end up getting too many bits of information wrong; or maybe that I’ll wind up looking silly or something.

I kinda also think I’m not entirely sure how I want to go about writing on them: something that has become more and more challenging with Star Wars Black Series toys is talking about the actual toy, and not about the character or what this particular figure could mean for the future of the line. But talking about the actual figures has gotten a little tough, since the figure itself is more or less the same as the article before it, and the one that is yet to come. Last week I posted four Black Series articles at once, because I essentially wrote them up over the course of like 30 hours, and all I was really doing was talking about the characters or individual figure elements. That’s not intended to read like a knock on the line, because let me tell you all, I still really love the Black Series. But I seem to have exhausted my ability to talk about the points of articulation on these figures, since they all have the same ones. The first Black Series article I posted came in October of 2015, and if you read that one about the First Order TIE Pilot, you’d have my general thoughts on the Black Series buck and all of its potential. Sure, some bodies have been different and offered small new details, but really, it feels so repetitive to just keep listing knees and elbows and ankle rockers.

I feel that writing on Marvel Legends figures is going to end up being the same, and then I’m going to have to fill the space of an article: what do I focus on? Should we talk about the character, or some notable storyline they populated? I’m not sure. I keep thinking that the best way to figure it out is to just start writing on one and see where it goes, and that may be the route I go.

Spent a lot of time this summer playing video games, and there are things I want to say about them. But I’ve also spent a lot of time listening to some podcasts about video games, and I think I’m hesitant to start writing on games because I’m not really sure how to go about doing that, and since I’ve been listening to people doing that, I am concerned that I won’t do a very good job of this. I guess I’m slightly intimidated by hearing people talk about video games well, and I’m not sure I can write on them to a degree that’s going to make me feel satisfied in comparison.

I think the issue may be simply a case of writer’s block, coupled with the mental fatigue of a new semester (the fourth week just ended yesterday). But I’ve been fighting this all summer as well, this inability to produce anything of quality for the blog. It just seems like doing anything has taken a colossal effort, and then always feels kind of half-assed in the end. In either late July or early August, I planned to make a massive photo-taking effort, only to find out that the battery for our camera had died, and so that was postponed while we waited for a new one to arrive. Then, I’d sit around and think “let’s take a lot of pictures,” only to be chased away by the amount of effort that would require. Over the last few weekends, I’ve spent an hour here and there taking pictures of things, and so have accrued this huge number of pictures of toys that are ready to be written on and posted, only to find that I have little ability to write on them. Taking a break from blogging may be the thing to set me straight, but A) I don’t really want to do that, seeing as I use the Coffin as a pressure valve, so sometimes making myself write something does me good, and B) my general response to feeling overwhelmed or overworked is to put more things on my to-do list, for some reason, so always having things to write on makes me feel better when I’m drowning under work and stress by giving me more work and things to stress over. Wild, I know.

So, when I get overworked, I find myself more work to add to my list, because that’s healthy, and from time to time it leaves me in this state of paralysis. This time, it’s holding me back from doing some new things that I think are pretty cool with my own blog, and I’m not finding that to be a real positive situation. The worst part about this is that something that I really love doing is feeling like a chore, as happens occasionally, but is never a positive feeling. I know that this will pass, and then I’ll find myself in the manic phase of blogging, where I’ll crank out several pieces with little effort, and all of this summer/fall blockage will be totally forgotten. It’s just a source of frustration now, with the semesters’ first essays coming in and the usual stresses of college students not understanding freshman-level English classes at the start of the fifth week of the semester, and the ability to just write and decompress is missed.

I guess that’s it. Just wanted to stop by and say that we’ve hit a slow patch, but it will subside in time. I have tons of stuff to talk about, and am really excited to do so; it just hasn’t been working as quickly as I’d like it to. I’m going to try and get something posted by the end of this week, as the aforementioned stack of papers has got me pretty wound up, and I’ll need a break. Thanks for listening, and good stuff coming in the (hopefully) not too distant future.

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