Last of the three Disney Store exclusive Black Series figures, Zuckuss is the
first actual new one, and the first one that adds actual value to your
collection. Zuckuss is the last of the Empire
Strikes Back bounty hunters, and with the first batch Archive series figures just about to be delivered, this means that
you could finally complete your bounty hunter collection.
In order to talk about this figure, it’s important that we
remember an idea that’s been floated around the Coffin for quite some time now,
and that is that sometimes, figures are better as part of a team picture than
they are individually, and that logic is 100% applicable to Zuckuss here. On
his own, this figure is not really much to get worked up over. The head sculpt
is nice and insectoid, and the figure comes with a unique blaster, which on its
own is usually pretty cool. There is a lush mythology and cast in the Star Wars
universe, and it’s easy to think of figure accessories as “just” parts for that
figure; but in reality, or the reality of a fictional universe, they are artifacts of that fictional universe. Just like in our reality, not all
accessories are the same, and the world has a vast array of weaponry and such
in it, as sad as that is on a metaphysical level to say. But aside from the
head and blaster, Zuckuss is not much to crow about.