Here’s the exclusive 6” Black Series Trooper
pack. This went up for preorder in September, and arrived today.
Battle Damage, Clone Commander, Phase II and First Order Officer |
Damaged and Original |
The OT Trooper is the
one I was expecting the least of, but I think upon first getting him out of the
box, he may be the nicest looking. His armor is more of a shiny white than the
matte white of the original release Trooper, and even a little bit brighter
than the trooper Han and Luke armor. Like trooper Han and Luke, this one also
feels less grainy than the original release Trooper does; he is smoother, and
the overall appearance is just a step above the regular figure. Aside from the
plastic, the only actual difference is the battle damage on the armor, four
splotched blaster marks on the chest, shoulder and helmet. Not sure why: that
armor never does seem like it can withstand any blaster fire….
Plain and Rainbow Flavored |
The yellow Phase I Clone Commander leaves the foursome short
only the blue lieutenant, and I hope that one gets a release somewhere down the
road. Part of me wants to say that there probably won’t be one, but hey, this
is a Star Wars toyline, so it’s really just a matter of time. As is the case
with Clones, this one is different because it has a different color of paint on
the armor, denoting a different rank. One thing I do have to say about the
Phase I Clones is that that little bit of paint goes a long way in making them
look better. The plain Clone is very . . . plain, since that original Clone design
is so barren of details. The paint on the armor makes all the difference, as
even the regular Clone looks better next to the officers, thanks to their
paint. This was the one figure out of this set that I really was excited for,
and I do hope a blue one comes out eventually.
I was also real excited about the Phase II Clone, since this
is the first time that figure has been made available. This figure is literally
the Phase I Clone with a different head. This is a good time to say that this
box is basically exactly what an exclusive set should be: rather than put out
some character or figure that lots of people will want, fill an exclusive set
with variants or slight modifications, like the yellow officer and this guy. I
spent $80 on this set, and that’s the Black Series norm of $20 a figure, but
they aren’t figures that would be flying off of shelves in stores or leaving
holes in your collection if you missed out on. This is a good exclusive set.
Oh, yeah. The Phase II helmet looks real nice.
An Officer and A Regular Guy |
Finally, the First Order Officer rounds out the set, and is
basically the First Order Trooper with the orange shoulder pad, borrowing from
the Sandtrooper Commander playbook of orange pauldron = commander. The First
Order Officer, like the general release First Order Trooper, comes with two
blasters, each of which can peg into a slit on the right thigh. This takes the
place of the big saddle bag holster the OT Troopers and TIE Pilot have, and it
looks pretty cool. The elbows of the First Order figures don’t have the same
range of motion that the Clones or OT Troopers have, which is kind of a letdown
as it impedes poseability. They can’t hold their blasters in front of them or
reach for their belt buckles. It is a different elbow joint than the one found
on the First Order Pilot, as his can bend much deeper and moves more freely
side to side. Overall though, the First Order Troopers are pretty nice, and the
Officer from this set is the nicer of the two.
This set isn’t going to offer anything new or mind-blowing
or essential for your Black Series collection, but it does offer some nice
additions. If you’re army building, or an Imperial collector like myself, this
is certainly worth the price, although now that it’s out, I imagine that price
is going to start going up on the secondary market. At $80 I think this is a
great purchase if you’re interested; more than $80, and it may be a tougher
purchase to justify to yourself.
No, Uppy! No! |
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