Cyclonus is a retool of the Combiner Wars Silverbolt, and is
the torso of a teamless gestalt called Galvatronus. Apparently, Galvatronus is
going to be the nemesis of the upcoming Victorion ‘fan built’ combiner.The
sorta-story for Galvatronus is that he can use mind control powers to force
other Cybertronians to merge with him, so he can produce a team out of pretty
much anyone.
I don’t like that. I’d prefer he had a dedicated team. So, I
don’t have much of an interest in Galvatronus, which is ok, because Cyclonus by
himself is a nice figure.

Widely regarded to be the best of the Combiner Wars torsos,
although already reaching oversaturation with the recent announcement of the
Botcon 2016 box set torso being the forthcoming Scattershot version of this
mold, Cyclonus sports a number of differences from the base Silverbolt figure.
The entire nose of the aircraft is new, as are the wings, and if you take just
those things, this figure bears a close resemblance to Cyclonus from the 1986
movie without being overly thin like the 2009 (?) Classics Deluxe figure’s jet
mode is. The trademark forward swept wings allow the jet to look sleek and fast
despite having the big, blocky robot claves hanging beneath the rear end. That’s
something that’s kind of an issue for me with this mold in general, the large
leg parts that, from certain angles, kill the illusion of a slim aircraft. It’s
essentially the jet-Transformer problem: practically all Transformers with jet
alt modes are essentially an aircraft laying down on top of a folded robot, but
some figures do this better than others. Because the robot legs are so big on
this figure, the illusion of the jet form is pretty broken, although from some
angles it’s not quite so bad, and I think Cyclonus works this best between he
and Silverbolt, probably due to the nice, rich purple color scheme of this toy.
He is really purple. That was thing that sold me on buying
him. The first time I’d spotted a Cyclonus in the wild was actually in the
KaDeWe in Berlin this August when we were on our honeymoon. I was amazed at how
strikingly purple he was. The rest of his coloration is pretty minimal, really:
silver legs and hands, a darker purple on the shoulders, some black and/or grey
here and there. His gun is just grey plastic, like his upper arms are, and that
all looks a bit cheap. I think it’d look a lot better had those parts been
silver like the hands and thighs.
This figure has a great new head sculpt as well. It’s very
G1, while also taking some cues from the IDW More Than Meets the Eye Cyclonus. He also comes with these small
canard wing pieces that stick on the forearms so that, in jet mode, he has some
kind of stabilizers in the rear end of the aircraft since it lacks a tailfin. In
robot mode they can stay on the forearms, but I mount the insanely long gun on
the arm, and he looks kinda goofy with only one forearm wing blade thing. Fortunately,
they can be plugged in to holes on the underside of the jet nose, giving
Cyclonus a pair of back blades. It looks cool.

Again, I’m not interested in the combined mode for this figure,
although just this afternoon I found myself starting to rationalize a purchase
of the Optimus Maximus repaint team by thinking “Well, I do have Cyclonus . . .”
and I think I am starting to want that Sunstreaker repaint. Cyclonus by himself
is a nice, albeit slightly random, repaint with enough new pieces to make him
look and honestly feel different from Silverbolt. He does have an issue tabbing
together, as in jet mode the wings and all their tabs don’t always peg together
in the most solid of ways. As a result of this, wings often pop up from a flush
state against the robot legs, and the thinness of the wing plastic makes
pegging and unpegging them a little bit frightening. As for any future
Galvatronus interest, I think I need to see where Combiner Wars goes as a line,
which may not be much farther. The Combaticons are coming, as is a Sky Lynx and
random set of Autobot repaint limbs v.2, and after that, we don’t really know.
I’m not sure why we’d get a Scattershot without Technobot team, but that may
just not be fully revealed yet. There’s been talk on the various message boards
that some Sweeps team would be cool, seeing Galvatronus and all, but I don’t really
even know who would be a part of this group.
Regardless, as a standalone figure, this is a nice one.
Visually pleasant and fun to play around with, I feel like I’ve gotten a better
appreciation of this figure by not feeling the compulsion to combine him with
any limbs, and, much like the combiner torsos of G1, but for pretty different
reasons, Cyclonus doesn’t lose anything in play value by not combing him with
any one. In other words, another solid entry in the Combiner Wars line up.
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