The first of three exclusive figure reviews today, the
Walmart exclusive Imperial Shock Trooper is a tie in to the Star Wars Battlefront game. An Original
Trilogy Stormtrooper with red accents, this is a good looking figure to add to
your Imperial line up.
When I first started seeing in hand pictures of the Shock
Trooper, I thought it was a different, new mold. When I first saw one running
around in the game, I felt a little disappointed, because I realized that it
was just a Stormtrooper, repainted.
And then, I got one of my own. Man, as classic as it is in
its stark white and black, the OT Stormtrooper armor is a blank canvas, and the
littlest details or alterations make it seem entirely fresh and new. Some red
boots, red shoulder pads and chest, brand new figure. A by now pretty standard
Trooper takes on a whole new life with the extra paint apps, and that makes you
appreciate the original, plain white design that much more as well.
The Shock Trooper is proof of concept as far as slight
changes to the standard Imperial Trooper making big differences, practically
creating variety where there isn’t any. It is not always necessary to have a
completely different design to add variety to a line up, and this was something
that Hasbro or whoever really learned during that Clone onslaught, extending it
to pretty much all toylines between 2005 and the present. A Clone with a skirt
piece becomes an ARC Trooper, and that can be repainted over and over and over,
resulting in a literal score of unique ARC Troopers. The repaints of OT
Troopers have never reached those same heights, and figures like this Shock
Trooper show that that is wasted potential. The biggest obstacle to this
repainting would probably be the lack of it in the OT films. At least with
Clones, we eventually see them on screen in a variety of decos, so there is precedent
that such markings exist and distinguish. Add in media like The Clone Wars series and this is
practically an indisputable Star Wars truth. The Expanded Universe gave us OT
Troopers of different types, but ironically, the Empire, signified by its
monolithic, uniform and faceless military provides distinct armor to its
various units; unlike the Clones, who all wear the same things.
If you find this at retail, get this. Totally worth the $20. If you have to track it down online, if you’re going to that trouble already, you know you want it, so you’re going to get it regardless. Minutes after the auction for this ended and I’d won, I was miffed that I had to pay a little more online because I couldn’t find this in a store. And then, minutes after that, I felt really good about winning. Here at the Child Sized Coffin, we are winners; it’s what we do.
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