One more set of Rogue
One figures before I go see the movie. It is currently 3.24 pm in Chicago,
and we’ve got 7.30 tickets.
This trio of figures is the Target exclusive for the movie,
and, just as
last years’ Target exclusive pack did, contains a Trooper and some
actual characters. Two this time, both of whom in this present moment we still
know little to nothing about: Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso, who has always been
the main character of the movie, from the very first second of the very first
teaser. And again, a slightly modified Trooper, so that the ‘battle in a box’
format is maintained. It should come as no surprise that my interest in the set
was the Deathtrooper, but, just as was the case last year, I’m sure that once I’ve
seen the movie, the other figures will become more significant to me.
Let’s take it from left to right, based on box position.
New Hat Trooper |

The Deathtrooper is labeled as a “specialist” rather than a
commander or officer, despite having the black shoulder pad indicative of rank.
The pad is attached to a whole set of web gear, including some chest level ammo
pouch, and some waist level grenades. He comes equipped with the same pair of
blasters that the standard retail
Deathtrooper does. Frankly, while I am a
total sucker for modified Stormtroopers, this Deathtrooper is a little bit of a
letdown due to the lack of any real difference from the regular one. Sure, it
has the tactical gear, but it doesn’t do anything, and there isn’t even any
difference in paint or anything. The tactical vest just blends in to the
overall look, so it doesn’t even pop or anything. I get that any radical
colorization or changes may have blown the Deathtrooper look, but just about
anything would have made for a more interesting figure. I think I had similar
complaints about the
Riot Trooper in last years’ pack, that it was a good
opportunity to gussy up the armor somehow, and they didn’t.
"Yeah, sure. I guess." |
Cassian Andor is proof that apparently the only place guys
can get clothes in the Star Wars universe is through Han Solo’s tailor. Brown jacket,
wild collar cut shirt, olive pants. I know they’re soldiers, but man, they all
dress the same. I don’t know anything about the character yet, but I do have
some comments on his figure. The face is painted with an expression that, to
me, reads as disinterest, like he’s just not feeling it today. “Hey Cassian,
wanna go disrupt some Imperial activity?” “Yeah, I guess.” That, and all of his
facial hair is incorrectly placed. His eyebrows are not aligned, his goatee is noticeably
crooked. At first I’d thought that I just got a bad set, since I bought it
online and had it shipped. But every set I’ve seen in store has the same facial
paint misalignment.
"That's pretty cool, I guess." |

Cassian comes with a pretty cool accessory: a collapsible rifle.
It consists of a blaster pistol which fits into a holster on the figures’ hip,
and then a butt and barrel extension. When combined, the blaster goes from
pistol to large rifle form, and is a real neat idea. Not sure if this is a
factor in the movie, but knowing the
Series, it probably is. It gives the impression of being a large weapon
that could be smuggled in somewhere, or easily hidden. The pistol part fits in
a holster, but the other two components don’t store on the figure at all. My only
concern with them is that, since they are so small, they may get lost easily. I
don’t anticipate much of an issue, because both Cassian and Jyn are going back
in the package, as they don’t work with my Imperial display. But, other than
keeping the rifle assembled, I feel like these are pieces that will end up
missing pretty quickly. The combined rifle is pretty cool looking, and it is
nice to get a different accessory every once in a while.

Jyn Erso doesn’t come with anything extra, and is in fact
Black Series Jyn Erso that is
also available singly. The Deathtrooper is different, and this version of
Cassian is apparently exclusive to this pack. But the Jyn is just a straight
repackage of the single release. While it is not an issue, I’ve seen some
people theorizing that her inclusion in this set is due to the manufactured “controversy”
of there not being enough Reys available last year when
The Force Awakens toyline first released. That was because a lot of
Rey figures came with lightsabers, which was a pretty major spoiler for the
movie. But, people not knowing that at first, I think latched on to the
inexplicable lack of Black Widow figures in any of the
Avengers toylines, and assumed that Star Wars was shafting its
female lead. Right away after having seen the movie, I knew that there weren’t
Rey figures available because they contained a spoiler accessory, and shortly
after the movie came out, a bunch of Reys started not only showing up in stores
but quickly becoming unavailable due to their selling out. So, I’d say it wasn’t
a big deal. I only mention all of that to serve as context for a resued Jyn
being in this three pack. Who knows, it’s just an idea. Watch, now there will
be a scene in
Rogue One between these
three characters, and they’ll even appear on screen in the order they are
packed in this box, making it an exercise in perfect screen accuracy.

Jyn is a nice figure. I’m a little surprised because this is
my first exposure to a female
Series figure, not that there are a lot to choose from, and it just looks
so thin and frail. The arms in particular just look extra thin, but the elbow
and wrist joints are solid and hold real nicely. Jyn comes with a pistol that
fits into a holster, but the holster has a little plastic strap that goes over
the handle of the blaster and then plugs in to a hole on the side of the
holster. This blew my mind. Such a functional detail on a figure that really
would have been fine without it is always neat, a real mark of quality. She also
has a head covering, which I’m fairly sure can be removed. She has an entire
head underneath, so it’s not that the scarf is molded on to the head or is
covering her exposed brain or anything. I’ve seen pictures online of the figure
without this head covering, so I know it can be removed. I was putzing with it
for a minute or two and had no luck, and honestly, at the moment it was more
effort than I was committed to investing. I’m sure I’ll come back to it later.
The face is alright, but my wife says she looks like her eyes are rolling back
into her head. It’s probably because she saw that article online with the title
informing people that Jyn in
Rogue One is
in fact a different character than Rey in
Force Awakens, or she got so tired of reading people crying on the Internet
that Star Wars has a girl in it. I mean, that kind of stuff makes me roll my
eyes as well, so I could sympathize with Jyn.
Not Rey, just so we're clear. |
After having seen
Force Awakens, I came to appreciate the
Poe Dameron figure that came in
last years’ Target exclusive pack. I have a feeling that the same will happen
after seeing
Rogue One in a few
hours. For the present moment though, I’m not too hyped about this set. It was
delivered on a pretty tough night, and it took me a few days to bust it open,
and the Deathtrooper really was a bit of a dud, so there was a lot aligned
against this trio of toys. But it does not look like Target is having
difficulty keeping them in stock, so if you see the movie and then want the
figures, there shouldn’t be much of a problem getting them. I am always happy
for a new Stormtrooper, so in a meta sense, I’m glad to have this set. How glad
I am will have to wait a few more hours to be determined.
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