It has been a long time since we’ve taken time for any
official Transformers product, so let’s break that streak with Blackwing here.
Warning: it’s not going to be pretty.
But that’s not entirely going to be because of Blackwing
himself. There’s a lot going on peripherally that will color this write up, and
while that may not be entirely professional, it fits Blackwing’s general
Power of the Primes Blackwing
is a
Combiner Wars repaint of
Aerialbot Air Raid with some minor retooling so as to accommodate the
Primemaster . . . chestplate thing. . . as well as the slight alterations to
become the back half of the Darkwings super jet combined mode. If you harken
back to the January expose on
Power of
the Primes Dreadwind you’ll be able to guess that these changes are
basically affected by doing something different to the wings; and you would be
Like his brother, Blackwing is not a real feature in any
American G1 media, but was a major player in the Japanese series Super God Master Force as Hydra, literal
brother to Buster. If you have experienced any of the multitude of Combiner Wars Aerialbots, you know how
Blackwing operates. This makes trying to write anything about him challenging.

Maybe more challenging is saying anything positive. Let’s
see: he looks good. The grey and purple and teal color palate is a nice and
subdued one, and is a real good selection of cold colors that feel pretty
iconic to this character. Even as a kid, and again when I began my serious
collecting as an adult, these colors yell “Darkwing” or “Hydra” or “Blackwing”
or whatever. Even that
Universe 2.0 Silverbolt
repaint, which I own but didn’t think of digging out for pictures, is clearly
*-wing in that color scheme. The paint on the wings looks rather strong, and
despite the separation from the shoulders, the head is a very nice sculpt. For
reasons of the super jet mode, Blackwing’s head is mounted on a small plastic
arm that flips over the back of the figure, not attached to the combiner peg in
the chest, the way all of the other
Wars-style Aerialbot heads. It is still really stupid, but that Primemaster
thing looks better on Blackwing than Dreadwind’s does on him, perhaps because
it is a solid teal plastic block and thus is a lower profile accessory. But,
this feature is still pretty dumb.

And, that’s pretty much it for the positives. The head
doesn’t have light piping, despite have a translucent visor. The wings are
mounted on ball joints that are mounted on this plate that lifts off the back
of the figure/jet to allow the wings to flip 180 degrees over, so that the
paint is visible in robot mode or jet mode . . . but NOT super jet mode. This
plate on the back occasionally comes loose, and the wings don’t tab into
anything, so they are constantly floppy. The blasters are fine, for what they
are, but they are not much. The entire figure is kind of fidgety, and that
lowers the enjoyment factor. The back panel that secures the wings is prone to
coming untabbed, even from simple movements such as trying to adjust or pose
the wings, and the shoulders/torso look too wide and flat. This makes Blackwing
seem much wider than Dreadwind, which is not true, but it does look like
Blackwing is wider and for no real purpose.
Jet mode is fine, but really is just another Aerialbot, as
in alt mode the differences or changes don’t even register. The two figures
look good together in jet mode, which is excellent, since they really are a
pair. But, if you totally ruin the individual jet mode, you get the extra
garbage super jet mode.

While the G1 original needed a helping of imagination to
work, the
Power of the Primes version
doesn’t even manage that. Partner Dreadwind slides his jet wings down a little
bit, and Blackwing does all of this stuff to combine into what is intended to
be an entirely new craft. Intended. The nose section flips over the back of the
BACKWARDS BUT IS FULLY VISIBLE AND OBVIOUS. Even the G1 toys did this better.
The two jets are connected via a 5mm peg that folds out from underneath the
back plate on Blackwing, and inserts into the hand/foot port on the bottom of
Dreadwind’s feet. This makes for a terrible connection, loose and weak. The two
jets can move independently of each other and usually just slip apart; there is
also no good way for the Blackwing wings to align with Dreadwind’s. It is a
total loss.

Blackwing was the first figure I purchased following our
move to our new apartment, and upon finding him in a store, I was pretty happy.
It’s pretty well known that my
Power of
the Primes interest has been essentially Dreadwind and Blackwing, Roadtrap
and Battleslash, and that eventual
Warriors Blast Off that will be released under this banner. Already had
Dreadwind, and found Battleslash at C2E2, and then Blackwing; I am almost
finished with the line. Buying Blackwing did bring me some excitement, but the
positive feelings were very short lived. I had him open for a handful of
minutes before I realized that I was seriously underwhelmed by this toy,
although there may be many reasons for that response. It could be that I have handled
this mold several times already, and there isn’t enough newness left in it to
be inspiring. That is definitely a possibility, but the fact that this is a new
character, and completes the
SGMF pairing
that I was really hoping to get should have been sufficient to get me to look
past the nth time for this mold. But this toy is boring. Could be mold fatigue
(a totally justifiable one); could be due to not having an interest in the line
at large, so I know that this is like a one-off figure for my collection, thus
providing no real reason to be hyped about it; could be because I’ve spent so
much time on and with unofficial figures lately that something like this just
can’t compete.

I feel that that last possibility is pretty accurate. I have
put down for a bunch of preorders over the last month, all on third party
figures, and it does look like my collection is taking a decidedly 3P turn. I’m
even looking to weed out a few things once the semester ends, and it seems like
a lot of stuff is going to be sold to make room for unofficial but better
figures. The day I spent taking pictures of Blackwing, I was also taking
pictures of MakeToys Celeritas, the last two TFC Toys Seacons that I needed
pictures of, and was playing around with Tamashii Nations Darth Vader. Having
Blackwing in hand in the context of those toys absolutely made Blackwing feel
inferior, and vastly so. I made this declaration back in January that I wasn’t
going to be buying the
Power of the
Primes line, with the exceptions of these two figures and the Battletrap
Legends figures, and I have not regretted that decision. Sure, I have
almost broke down and bought the Deluxe
Dinobots twice, but I think that was more from the want for new toys than
anything like the want of
those toys.
And I’ve been down that road before, with things like the
Age of Extinction figures, and probably the
Dark of the Moon figures before that. I’m not interested in going
down that path again.

I do not regret buying Blackwing here, but he is not a good
figure. Even if we want to clarify and exclude third party figures, Blackwing
is not a good Hasbro figure. The super jet mode is totally tacked on and is an
absolute fail; some people on line would argue that, despite its’ crappiness,
we should be happy that Hasbro loves us enough to include it. You can pound
that idea: if Hasbro intended to include that as a feature, which they clearly
did since there is a dedicated piece to facilitate it, they should have at
least done it correctly. It’s basically a fanmode. You know, most of my dislike
of this figure stems from the crappy super jet mode; aside from that, the
figure is a pretty basic
Combiner Wars toy.
Much like Dreadwind, not very exciting or inspiring, kind of just a
Transformer. I know this is not any kind of an endorsement, but you could do
worse than this figure. Being sort of an uncharacter in the US and being a
Combiner Wars figure AGAIN won’t really
instill a ton of enthusiasm, but Blackwing sorta is what he is, and that’s
really all.
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