G1 Megatron is one of those characters that toys never seem
to get quite right. MP-05 was an admirable but flawed effort, and the recent
MP-36 is apparently terrific yet fraught with paint issues and fiddly parts. There
have been several Third Party attempts as well, of various degrees of success. The
Coffin found its Masterpiece-like G1
Megatron in MakeToys’ excellent Despotron.
Buried away in storage, the Coffin did purchase MP-05 once
upon a long ago, and for a time, it was a good representation of the iconic
Decepticon leader. It fairly rapidly became a figure that was more a point of
collectors’ pride to own, because of the hoops that needed to be jumped through
at the time of its release to obtain one, rather than a piece that was on
display in the collection. Boxed up for many years, MP-05 remains a piece that
has a fun memory attached to it, and as such stays in the Coffin collection;
but time had come to get a new Megatron, a better Megatron, to stand in the Masterpiece detolf. MP-36, totally
gorgeous and all, was above the comfort zone price-wise, and honestly, outside
of the interest range, as we’ve turned our eyes more and more to the 3P market
first, and some things read about MP-36 weren’t exactly filling me with
enthusiasm. So a great deal on Despotron came along, about a month deep into my
super-fandom of MakeToys’ products, and I jumped on it.
The figure has an ab crunch, thanks to a transformation
hinge, but it allows Despotron to hunch over forward just a little bit at the
waist, which aides in posing and balance. This is a heavy figure, and while his
balance is greatly assisted by largely unadvertised heel panels that fold out
from the bottom of the feet, being able to shift at least some of the weight
via this waist hinge helps a whole lot. The upper body could not possibly be
more G1 Megatron, and with a faction sticker applied to the chest, there is
almost nothing about Despotron that would make a person think it was an
unofficial figure. I’m not entirely sure why I mention that, as by and large 3P
figures are not really so wildly different, unless they are done that way
intentionally, because they are trying to emulate a certain branch of the fiction or whatnot. Despotron looks more like Megatron than MP-05 does, that’s
for sure.
Despotron is pretty poseable, although the size of his legs
does impede movement there a bit. The way the elbows bend is also a little odd
looking, as they reveal the red bicep piece and then cut a 90 degree angle that
looks a bit weak. But this isn’t a figure intended for dynamic poses; this is a
figure intended to exude power, and it does that exceptionally well.
Alt mode is the traditional G1 pistol, and yes, this figure
did come with the orange safety plug, and yes, said plug was easily removable.
That plug has been the constant worry of G1-esque Megatrons for years now,
dating back at least to MP-05, and etailers talk about it being affixed with
glue and that it’s not removable. This is the second MP-esque G1 Megatron I’ve
owned, and I’ve never had an issue removing the plug. Come to think of it, I
think Encore G1 Megatron had one too,
and that was easily enough removed.
The transformation is a little taxing, mainly due to the bevy of panels that fold around to complete the grip of the weapon, but it is
a satisfying and mostly fun transformation. It’s a lot of moving parts but it
makes sense, and is not the kind of transformation you can divine simply by
looking at Despotron, which is generally cool. This is one of those figures
where I am really glad MakeToys has a YouTube channel dedicated to
transformation videos.
Despotron looks excellent alongside official Masterpiece Decepticons, making him a
perfect add to your Masterpiece collection
if you find MP-05 lacking and MP-36 too expensive. My collection is slowly turning over to the 3P side anyway, with several pieces being exchanged for
their 3P incarnations, and so Despotron seemed like another great opportunity
to upgrade something as well as have it fit in among the official figures that
are already great and don’t need to be replaced. Something really great is
that, once MP-10 prices hopefully go down after the ludicrously costly MP-44
releases, MP-10 Optimus Prime should look just fine next to Despotron as well.
If your collection needs a G1 Megatron and you’re not into the MP-36 price,
MakeToys Despotron is absolutely a worthy addition to your shelves.
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