The Star Wars Expanded Universe holds (or ‘held,’ depending
on whether or not you allow Disney to control what Star Wars is for you . . .
–mr) an enoromous cast of characters, many of whom approach Mary Sue territory
pretty quickly. In the times before the New Trilogy brought us the continuing
adventures of Luke, Leia, and Han, the EU told us what would happen to them
after the events of Return of the Jedi.
It turns out that Luke opened a Jedi training school, and Leia and Han had
children. You know, before Disney wiped that out and the New Trilogy ignored
the lore and did whatever it felt like doing.
Anyway, one of Han and Leia’s kids was Jaina, who Mary Sues
pretty much right away. She’s a mechanical wiz and rouge, like her dad, while
being intelligent and Force sensitive, like her mom, and being crafty,
resourceful, and witty, like both her parents. Her twin brother, Jacen Solo,
ends up going bad, and uh, maybe the NT movies aren’t really the canon-defiling
abominations that some people decry them as. Maybe? Asking too much? Well,
we’ll come back to it eventually.
Jaina Solo in the 6” line is the winner of a fan vote,
always a favorite device around the Coffin, in a poll that included the
eventually released anyway so no harm done Captain Rex. (I voted Rex. –mr) Like
previous poll winner Darth Revan, Jaina represents the potential of future EU
characters making it into the line more than anything of a stand-alone nature,
so it’s possible that a Jacen, or better, a Darth Caedus, will surface sometime
in the future. Figures of EU characters still seem so out of place, perhaps
because there as so few of them, perhaps because the EU doesn’t officially
exist anymore, but the Revans and Thrawns and Jainas of the Black Series do make you stroke your
chin in wistful “maybe. . . “s for what lies ahead.
Anyway, Jaina has the usual articulation, with one pretty
noteworthy improvement: she can bend her elbows past the 45 degree point. The
arms are cut ever so slightly more above and below the elbow joint so as to
allow the arm to do a slightly deeper bend, which makes her poses so, so much
better looking, and feel like so much more potential has been unlocked. This is
particularly noticeable when posing the figure with her lightsaber, as she can
make more realistic poses thanks to that tiny bit of extra elbow bend. Maybe
not all Black Series figures need this extra bit of bend, but it
would probably serve them better than not. Even holding a blaster, this extra
bend in the arms allows for a more natural blaster-holding pose, not the “arm
out at a 45 degree angle” totally unnatural one.
The figure does have some difficulty standing, as the feet
are really small, and Jaina is wearing these boots with heels, so her balance
is a bit off. If the feet were larger the heel likely wouldn’t matter, but as
it is she has trouble. Enough fiddling with the ankles solves the issue, and
Jaina Solo is far from the first Black
Series figure that has had trouble balancing, and also won’t be the last,
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